Command Statements
/documentation/pages/Ref/Xbasic/Command Statements.xml
The Xbasic command statements determine the structure and flow of execution in a script. For example, the if .. then statement is used to perform actions conditionally. The following script will make the computer beep if the supplied logical expression, x < 5, evaluates to .T. (TRUE):
Branch Command
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Branch Command.xml
The Branch Command Action can be used to change the execution of your script based on an expression or the value of a control. Note that this action references an open form or browse.
The UI_DLG_BOX Command
/documentation/pages/Desktop/Reference/Design/View/Xdialog/The UI_DLG_BOX__Command.xml
Prerequisites and examples relating to the UI_DLG_BOX() Command.
SQL Command Window
/documentation/pages/Guides/Databases/Working with SQL/SQL Command Window.xml
The SQL Command Window provides a mechanism for testing SQL statements. There are several ways to open the SQL Command Window:
SQL Command History Dialog
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Data/SQL/SQL Command History Dialog.xml
At any time while running the SQL Genie, you may click the History button.
Using the {Data} Command
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Commands/Using the {Data} Command.xml
Allows you to return a value other than the display value from a node in a tree control.
JS Command Window
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Defined Controls/JS Command Window.xml
Inserts a text area where you can enter Javascript commands to test. Useful for developers to help debug.
HtmlHost Xdialog command
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Xdialog/Controls/HtmlHost/HtmlHost Xdialog command.xml
Similar to conditional expressions, enable/disable and show/hide expressions , a5:style allows the style of an htmlhost tag to be a calculated value.
Starting Alpha Anywhere With Command Line Options
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Deploy/Starting Alpha Anywhere With Command Line Options.xml
Command line options available for use with Alpha Anywhere include:
The Help Command
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Xdialog/The Help Command.xml
The syntax, descriptions, and examples that describe how to use the help command.